What are World Heritage Sites? 世界遺産って何?
World Heritage Sites are special places that are important to the history, culture, or nature of the world. They are chosen by UNESCO, an organization that works to protect important places for future generations.
世界遺産(せかいいさん)は、世界の歴史や文化、自然にとって大切な場所のことです。未来の世代のために守るべき場所を、ユネスコ (UNESCO) が選んでいます。
1. The Great Wall of China (China) 万里(ばんり)の長城(ちょうじょう)(中国)
The Great Wall of China is one of the longest walls in the world. It was built to protect the country from invaders. You can even see it from space!
- New Words:
- Wall (壁 かべ): A strong structure built to protect or divide.
- Invader (侵略者 しんりゃくしゃ): Someone who enters a place to take control.
2. Machu Picchu (Peru) マチュ・ピチュ(ペルー)

Machu Picchu is an ancient city in the mountains of Peru. It was built by the Inca people a long time ago. People call it “The Lost City.”
- New Words:
- Ancient (古代の こだいの): Very old or from a long time ago.
- City (都市 とし): A large and busy place where people live and work.
3. Mount Fuji (Japan) 富士山(日本)
Mount Fuji is the tallest mountain in Japan. It is a symbol of beauty and strength for Japanese people. Every year, many people climb it.
- New Words:
- Mountain (山): A very high hill.
- Climb (登る): To go up something, like a mountain.
4. The Pyramids of Giza (Egypt) ギザのピラミッド(エジプト)
The Pyramids of Giza are giant stone structures built as tombs for pharaohs. They are one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
- New Words:
- Pyramid (ピラミッド): A structure with triangular sides.
- Tomb (墓 はか): A place where someone is buried.
5. Stonehenge (United Kingdom) ストーンヘンジ(イギリス)
Stonehenge is a circle of large stones in England. No one knows exactly why it was built, but it may have been used for ceremonies.
- New Words:
- Stone (石 いし): A small or large rock.
- Ceremony (儀式 ぎしき): A special event or activity.
6. The Colosseum (Italy) コロッセオ(イタリア)
The Colosseum is a large amphitheater in Rome where gladiators once fought. It is a symbol of ancient Roman engineering.
- New Words:
- Amphitheater (円形劇場 えんけいげきじょう): A round building with seats around it.
- Gladiator (剣闘士 けんとうし): A fighter in ancient Rome.
7. The Amazon Rainforest (South America) アマゾンの熱帯雨林(ねったいうりん)(南米)
The Amazon Rainforest is the largest tropical rainforest in the world. It is home to many plants and animals found nowhere else.
- New Words:
- Rainforest (熱帯雨林 ねったいうりん): A forest with a lot of rain.
- Tropical (熱帯の ねったい): Warm and wet all year.
8. The Taj Mahal (India) タージ・マハル(インド)
The Taj Mahal is a beautiful white marble building built by a king for his wife. It is a symbol of love and one of the most visited places in India.
- New Words:
- Marble (大理石 だいりせき): A type of smooth, shiny stone.
- Love (愛 あい): A strong feeling of care for someone.
9. The Galápagos Islands (Ecuador) ガラパゴス諸島(しょとう)(エクアドル)

- New Words:
- Island (島): Land surrounded by water.
- Unique (ユニークな): One of a kind or special.
10. Angkor Wat (Cambodia) アンコール・ワット(カンボジア)
Angkor Wat is a massive temple complex in Cambodia. It was built as a Hindu temple but later became a Buddhist site.
- New Words:
- Temple (寺院 じいん): A place for worship.
- Buddhist (仏教の ぶっきょう): Related to Buddhism, a religion.
Let’s Explore Together! 一緒に世界を探検しよう!
There are over 1000 World Heritage Sites around the world! Which one do you want to visit the most?