
Hello there kids! My name is Teacher Nicole and welcome to Hatchlink Jr. I am a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Information Systems. One of my favorite subjects is English because I find it fun to learn and I want to share the fun of learning it with you. I always spend my free time reading different types of books especially English ones because that is where I have improved my skills in English. I am excited to share a lot of things and I look forward to learning and studying with you! See you in my class!


Hello Kids, my name is Teacher Jasel, and welcome to Hatchlink Jr. I am a graduate of Bachelor in Technology and Livelihood Education. One of my favorite subjects is English because I found it fun and exciting to learn. I loved to take care of kids and share stories with them. I can be your friend, a sister as well as your teacher. I am excited to share my ideas with you, so join me in my class. Hope to see you soon!

Hello Kids! My name is teacher Sharina and welcome to Hatchlink Jr. I'm a graduate of Bachelor of Early Childhood Education. I do love watching English movies during my free time. I also consider myself multi-talented. I am good at dancing and acting. Some people say I sing well too, ohh so I think we will sing together in my class. I'm pretty confident I could do various sports as well like badminton, volleyball and table tennis. I am very passionate about teaching especially with young students. I do love teaching because I find it fun to interact with those young ones and it satisfies me whenever I help students to be better, especially in the English Language. As your future teacher, let's make our class more fun and exciting. Come! Let's learn English together and enjoy my class! Let's study and learn together. See you.

Hello kids! Welcome to Hatchlink Jr.. My name is Teacher Julie. I am a graduate of Bachelor in Secondary Education Major in English. I like to sing and watch movies. I am very excited to share the knowledge I have in English and be part of your growth. My goal is to create an engaging and supportive learning environment where you can develop your skills and discover the joy of language. I am here to guide you through every twist and turn of English. Book a class with me, and let’s make learning an exciting journey! See you in my class!

Hello kids! My name is teacher Carol and welcome to Hatchlink Jr. I am a graduate of Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education major in Home Economics. I am the eldest in my family and I really love kids. I like to read English books and watch English movies during my free time. I am willing to share with you my knowledge and learnings when it comes to the English language. As your teacher, I will make sure that this class will be fun and enjoyable. I am looking forward to seeing you soon in my class!

Hi, kids! Welcome to Hatchlink Jr.! I’m Teacher Nina and I’ll be helping you on your journey to learning English. I am a graduate of Bachelor of Secondary Education with a major in mathematics. I love teaching kids, and I would like to share my knowledge and to help you unlock your potential. I also enjoy watching movies and anime. I’m excited to witness your creativity, growth, and passion as we learn together. I look forward to seeing you in my class. See you soon.

Hi! Welcome to Hatchlink Jr.! I am teacher Joann. I usually spend my free time talking and learning with kids in our church and local community. My desire is to see you enjoying what you do. And I am at my happiest when I see you laughing and enjoying in my class. In our class, we will not just study English. We will discover and learn from each other as well! So let the FUN begin! See you!

Hello kids, my name is Teacher Candy, and welcome to Hatchlink Jr. I am a graduate of Bachelor of Secondary Education with a major in English. I love learning and teaching English because it keeps me connected with others worldwide. By learning English, we can learn about other people's cultures and be friends with them. I am excited to share a lot of things with you. So let's learn English together and enjoy my class. I hope to see you soon!


Hello, kids! My name is Teacher Sky, and welcome to Hatchlink Jr.! I graduated with a Bachelor's in Mathematics and Science in Elementary Education. I enjoy discovering new things, like experimenting and solving problems. I have a strong passion for teaching, especially with kids. I love talking, playing, and learning with young learners. I always aim to make meaningful and fulfilling contributions wherever I go. I'm excited to share my knowledge with you, meet you, and learn with you. See you in my class, and let's make learning fun!

Hi Kids! My name is Teacher Manuel and welcome to Hatchlink Jr. I am a graduate of Stewarding Course. So I know how to cook and make drinks. I love reading English books, watching movies, swimming, and watching anime specially Naruto Kun. Well, Teacher Manuel can sing English songs as well as write English poems. I really want to know more about different cultures from different countries. Come and join us as we learn English and together let us make learning, fun! Hatchlink Jr. is for everyone!

Hello there kids! My name is Teacher Mary. I'd love to dance, sing and play with you. Let us learn English together because learning English is fun. Let us paint colors to your English world here at Hatchlinkjr. Join me as I teach you the fun way. I'm so excited to be your teacher. I'm looking forward to meeting you. See you around.

Hi, kids! Welcome to Hatchlink Jr.! I’m Teacher Andrew, and I love writing poems and stories. I graduated with a Bachelor of Secondary Education, majoring in Filipino. I adore kids, which is why I enjoy teaching and sharing my skills to nurture their talents. I also have a passion for reading fairy tale books and mysteries. I'm excited to witness your growth and passion as we learn together. I look forward to seeing you in my class. See you, kids!

Hi, kids! Welcome to Hatchlink Jr.! My name is Teacher Joshua. I graduated with a degree in Secondary Education, majoring in Mathematics. I love teaching and playing with kids. Do you like playing games? Me too! I also enjoy watching movies and anime, so as we study, I hope we can share our interests and have fun discussions. I'm excited to see your creativity, growth, and passion as we learn together. I look forward to seeing you in my class and helping you learn English!

こんにちは!めぐみです! 0〜10歳までボストンに住んでいました。ボストンでは現地校に通っていたので会話やphonicsを通じて英語を学びました。机に向かってのお勉強はあまり好きではありませんでしたが、13歳の時に英検準1級をとりました。高校ではオランダやカリフォルニアに留学し、様々な文化の方と触れ合い「話せるからこそできる豊かな経験」をたくさんしてきました。大学時代にTOEIC875点を取得しました。前職では塾で帰国子女向けの英検対策(5級〜1級)を小3〜高3の生徒さんを対象に個別レッスンをしていました。英検の面接対策で自信が持てず中々言葉が出てこないお子さんを合格に導いたこともあります。現在は、インターナショナルプリスクールで0〜6歳の子供達が楽しく英語を学ぶお手伝いをしています。 授業中はall Englishがいい!日本語で説明をして欲しいなど、ご要望に合わせてレッスンを調整できるので、遠慮せず言ってください。 英語にあまり触れたことがない方でも、英語の力をさらに伸ばしたい方でも、自分の言葉で伝えられる楽しさを一緒に学んでいきましょう。
日本人講師です。通常コース2回分、1レッスン20ポイントにてご予約いただけます。英検対策対応可能 ⇒ 5級から準1級まで

Hello there kids! Welcome to Hatchlink Jr. My name is Teacher Ced. I am always pleased to teach kids. I adore Japanese culture especially mangas and anime. It is a luxury to share my knowledge and skills with you. I want to guide you on how to study English the Cedric's way :) Let's enjoy our adventure together. Follow me here as we unfold the treasure of English!

Hello kids! Welcome to Hatchlink Jr. My name is Teacher Haven. I am a graduate of Bachelor in Secondary Education Major in English. I will help you to love English as well as to love learning, as much as teacher do. I love teaching English language especially with kids. Together, we will discover new words, have fun with exciting games, colorful pictures, we can sing, dance and practice speaking through fun conversation. My goal is to make learning English easy and enjoyable for you. We'll work together as a team. I am looking forward to our adventures in English and to see you grow and shine! See you in my class!

Hello there kids! My name is Teacher Pixie and welcome to Hatchlink Jr. I am a graduate of Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English. I learned English through watching too many English movies and reading books as well. I watch English movies to correct my pronunciation while I read books to learn new words. English might be difficult but once you have the right teacher, you will discover that learning English can be fun. I can’t wait to meet all of you. Let’s learn English together. See you in my class!

Hello kids! Welcome to Hatchlink Jr. My name is Teacher Callie. I am a graduate of Bachelor in Secondary Education Major in English. I like watching movies and anime. I am very passionate in teaching students, like you! I am willing to share the knowledge I have and help you become more confident in English! Let’s have a great time learning together. See you!

Hello, kids! My name is Teacher Glendy, and welcome to Hatchlink Jr. I graduated with a Bachelor of Secondary Education, majoring in Filipino. I am also a Sunday school teacher and I love to play with kids. I enjoy reading online comic books, like manhwa and manga, as well as watching anime. I also love dancing, singing, and writing. I’m so excited to see you in my class. Let’s learn and have fun!

Hi Kids!!! My name is Teacher Jula. I am a graduate of Bachelor of Arts in English with Specialization in Communication. I have a four-year old nephew. I love to play with him in my free time. Teacher Jula can sing, dance and play with other kids too. But of course, we will not forget to study English language. Let's make learning English language so fun. Enroll and be part of the Hatchlink Jr now. I hope to see you in my class!

Hello kids! My name is Teacher Denard and welcome to Hatchlink Jr! I am a graduate of Bachelor of Elementary Education. I really like teaching kids. I am also fond of watching anime like Kimetsu no Yaiba and One Piece. I also love reading novels and listening to music. I would love to have you in my class to help you improve your English skills. Join me and let's explore and have fun learning English together. See you! :)

Hello kids! My name is Teacher Chloe and welcome here to Hatchlinkjr. I am a graduate of Bachelor of Elementary Education. Teaching kids is really what I love to do. I also love to read books and listen to music. Like you, I also love English! Are you excited to learn with me? Come and let's make English easier and fun! I hope to see you in my class.
クロエ先生は生徒様のレベルや性格に合わせた話題の提供やレッスンの進行が得意です。 発音も比較的良く、英語での説明も上手な先生です。 特に初心者から中級者にお勧めです。

Drawing, singing, reading, and playing musical instruments 絵を描くこと、歌うこと、読書、楽器を演奏すること
Hello, kids! I am teacher Camilla, and welcome to Hatchlink Jr.! I always love to learn and have fun with kids. I enjoy reading manga, manhwas, and watching anime! I also enjoy drawing, singing, and playing musical instruments! So, let's go and have fun learning English together! See you!

Reading Books, Watching movies, Singing, Sleeping 読書、映画鑑賞、歌うこと
Hello kids! Welcome to Hatchlink Jr. My name is Teacher Ellie. I''m a graduate of the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. I spend my free time reading books and watching movies. I also love to sign. I love to teach children because they are cute and adorable. I'm very excited to know you, to guide you, and to teach you English. As your teacher, I will make sure that our class will be fun, exciting, and enjoyable. I'm looking forward to seeing you in my class. See you!

Hello Everyone. My name is Teacher MJ. I teach English to different nationalities for the past three years. I teach English to Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese students. I am more than a tutor. I can be your coach and your friend. I am excited to share my English ability with you in a fun and friendly way. So, what are you waiting for? Let's have a wonderful and fun class together. See you in my class.
エムジェイ講師はひとつひとつ丁寧に指導してくれる講師です。 レッスン中のセンテンスの修正も優しく丁寧にしてくれます。 また、他の講師と比較しても発音が良いのが特徴です。 特に初心者から中級者にお勧めです。

Painting, Drawing, Karaoke, Watching horror movies 絵を描くこと、スケッチ、カラオケ、ホラー映画鑑賞
Hello kids, My name is Teacher Luz, and Welcome to Hatchlink Jr. I am a graduate of a Bachelor of Arts major in English. The things that I love to do are watching cartoons, listening to music, drawing, painting, and also teaching the English language. I can also sing with you. So let's learn English together and enjoy my class. I hope to see you in my class. I am excited to share a lot of things with you. See you!

Edd先生 (エド)
Hello, Kids! My name is Teacher Edd, and welcome to Hatchlink Junior. I graduated with a Bachelor in Mathematics and Science Elementary Education. I'm an animal lover and I like to read English stories and poems. I also love to watch anime like Naruto and Pokemon. Teaching is my passion and I want to help young minds like you to become an expert in English language. In doing so, I make sure that my students will have a positive and interactive environment in my class. So, let's learn English together and enjoy my class. See you!

Hi there, kids! My name is Teacher Mich, and welcome to Hatchlink Jr! I am really excited to see you! I am a Bachelor of Arts in English Language graduate and an achiever in my class because I love reading books! I also enjoy talking and teaching my students how to practice their vocabulary, pronunciation, and sentences! Since I was born into a family with educators, I grew up learning different subjects and enjoying studying! As your teacher, I will also help and guide you. Let's have some fun and enjoy our lessons through different activities! I hope to see you in my class!