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【一般トピック部門】 下記の2つからお好きなトピックをおひとつお選び下さい。

① What is the best tourist spot would you recommend if you have a foreign friend?



The Philippines has many beautiful places to visit, each with its special charm.
Palawan is a fantastic choice if you have a friend from another country.
It's one of the most beautiful islands globally, with clear blue water, tall cliffs, colorful coral reefs, and thick jungles.In Palawan, there are specific places you might like.
El Nido is famous for tall rocks and nature, where you can explore hidden lagoons, visit beautiful beaches, and enjoy the sunset.
Coron is great for underwater exploration, clear lakes, and hot springs.
Puerto Princesa Underground River is inside a cave and considered one of the world's wonders. You can take a boat tour through the cave with amazing rock formations.
Remember to choose a place based on what your friend likes, whether it's adventure, history, or just enjoying nature. The Philippines has something for everyone!

② If you could invent something to make life easier, what would it be?



If I could invent something to make life easier, I'd make a magic talking watch!
It turns all languages into ones you understand. So, when you meet someone who speaks a different language, the watch helps you talk and be friends. It's like having a super cool friend maker for people from everywhere. Traveling and making friends would be super easy! This could help a lot of people who travel abroad. It could help them talk better to foreign people. In that way, they would build deeper friendship to other people and it would also improve their career and business. This magic talking watch could make the world feel more unified and could encourage people to know more of different cultures in different countries.




A: SDGs - Poverty



Today, let's talk about a big issue that affects a lot of people all over the world: making poverty much less. Right now, many people in every country have a tough time because they don't have enough money for important things like healthcare and education. But, we can all work together to make things better. I believe that getting rid of poverty is not just a big dream; it's a goal we can all aim for, step by step, bit by bit.To do this, we need to help people get good education, make sure jobs are fair, and everyone has good healthcare. We also need to work with different countries to help them build strong communities.It's a big goal to make poverty much less, but we can do it if we all work together and make important changes. Let's start this journey to make the world a better place for everyone.Thank you very much for listening!
What about you? Can you think of ways to lessen poverty?

B: SDGs - Sustainable Cities and Communities



We have a lot of cultural and natural heritage around the world, and we must help and encourage everyone to keep and preserve this heritage. Heritage is what we have left behind from the past, and what we provide to the next generation. It's really important to protect our natural and cultural heritage because it gives us connection to the past.
Here are some of the activities or practices we can do to protect our world's cultural and natural heritage.First, we can cook recipes passed down through the generations.Second, teach children how to dance traditional dances. We can also visit historic sites that are related to our culture. Attend events hosted by cultural centers. And lastly, we can learn and speak our own language.In these ways, we can help preserve our world's cultural and natural heritage.
How about you? What can you do to protect the world's cultural and natural heritage?Thank you so much for listening, everyone. Have a great day! Goodbye!
What about you? Can you think of ways to lessen poverty?



Jingle Bell


If You’re Happy And You Know It

(イフ ユア ハッピー アンド ユー ノウ イット)






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