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【一般トピック部門】 下記の3つからお好きなトピックをおひとつお選び下さい。
① Tell us about your favorite superhero.
My name is Jula. I am eight years old.
I am from the Philippines.
Today, I will be telling you about my favorite superhero.
My favorite superhero is Darna.
I guess you are wondering who Darna is.
She is a Filipino superhero.
She is the first female superhero in the Philippines.
Darna's costume is unique and famous.
She wears red shorts. You can see gold stars on her red top. She wears a red helmet with a ruby, gold bracelets, and red boots.
I like her because she helps people, especially those who are in need.
She is also kind and beautiful.
How about you?
Could you tell us about your favorite superhero?
Thank you for listening! Have a good day!
② Who is your favorite athlete. Why?
Good day, everyone! My name is Pao Pao.
I am 8 years old. Today I will talk about my favorite athlete.
My favorite athlete is Hidilyn Francisco Diaz.
She's from the Philippines and she's a weightlifter.
She is competitive and has competed in various local and national competitions.
She’s a very strong woman and can lift up to 224 kilograms.
She made history when she won the first Olympic gold medal for the Philippines last year.
For me, she's an inspiration to work hard on the things I want. She helps me believe that I'll succeed in my goals.
How about you, who is your favorite athlete? Thank you for listening.
Have a good day!
③ What is one thing that you are really good at? Tell us more about it.
SDGsについて - 日本SDGs協会
Please share your SDGs related activities you've joined or give proposals for SDGs to succeed.
Hello, everyone!
My name is Liz and I am 10 years old.
Today, I’m going to share my SDG experience with you.
I chose the topic Climate Action, which is related to climate change.
Our environment is getting worse every day. So, we need to take action.
And here are some of the activities or actions that I did for our environment.
First, I helped clean the rivers. By doing this activity, I helped my community reduce water pollution. It is important to preserve bodies of water for future generations.
Second, I participated in a clean-up drive. By this activity, I helped my community reduce land pollution.
Finally, I promoted NO BURNING PLASTICS programs. Burning plastics causes air pollution that contributes to climate change.
How about you, what can you do to save Mother Earth?
Thank you so much for listening, everyone. Have a great day! Goodbye!


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